Presentation of the drill cores in Cunnewitz/ municipality Ralbitz-Rosenthal

Info event drilling site, Michèle Heurs, Sebastian Weber

After the final depth of 250 meters was reached in the drilling two weeks ago, the drill cores were presented on May 25 in Cunnewitz.

Upper picture: Michèle Heurs talking to Sebastian Weber (State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology) about the drill cores.

Middle picture: Bernd Müller (3rd from left) and Sven Beitzke (4th from left) from the drilling team in conversation with from left to right Christian Stegmann, Frank Lehmann (Mayor Lauta), Torsten Ruban-Zeh (Mayor Hoyerswerda), Hubertus Rietscher (Mayor Ralbiltz-Rosenthal), Günther Hasinger and Dawid Statnik (Chairman Domowina).

Lower picture: The drilling site in Cunnewitz / Ralbitz-Rosenthal municipality.

Info-Veranstaltung Cunnewitz

Info-Veranstaltung an der Bohrstelle in Cunnewitz


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